Monday, January 28, 2008


For the EDP system to analyze data, update files, and print out information, it must have a programs designed for these purposes. Stored programs tell the computer what steps to take, what data to work on what to do with the results. Software commonly includes such programs as well as any operating aids that extend the capabilities of the computer.

Therefore, program in programming languages which combine precision of expression with a certain closeness to natural languages on the one hand and the problem to be solved on the other. Programs written in such languages are largely independent of the characteristics of a particular computer; they are usually easily portable from one machine to another.

Software also includes utility programs ( for example, sorting routines) that have been written by systems programmers, rather than users, and are stored in the memory of the computer system.

The operating system, along with the language translators, programs for data management and communication, and utilities programs, constitute the essential software of an electronic data processing system. An EDP system also contain" Firmware" or microcode instructions, developed by the computer manufacturer to permit tailoring of the system to meet particular data processing requirements.

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